Today we delivered on a promise to the people of Florida by Banning Critical Race Theory. 

This ‘curriculum’ of hate and divisiveness has no place in society let alone our schools.

Critical Race Theory indoctrinates our children and teaches them to judge each other as “oppressors,’ “inherent racists” and “victims.”

We need the Constitution back in the Classroom. 

Civics education must be a priority.

…But it needs to be taught accurately, and it needs to be taught in a fact-based way, not in an ideological way.
This attempt by the woke left to destroy history by denigrating the founding fathers and the constitution is dangerous and it strikes at the heart of our nation.  

We must be united in the principles on which our nation was founded.
Woke corporations will no doubt be targeting Florida for retribution because we stood up for the truth. With your help, Florida will continue to stand strong and lead the way for other states.

We must continue to fight the woke left and defend the principles that make America great.  
Thank you for your commitment to America,
Governor Ron DeSantis
Paid political advertisement paid for by Friends of Ron DeSantis, 610 S. Boulevard, Tampa, FL 33606.