NO IMPROVEMENT: Massive numbers of aliens continue to stream over the border, get caught and released. Dear John, Just in the last three months, more than half a million aliens surged across America's southern border and were apprehended... and often released. To hear the President and his cheerleaders in the press, you'd think the crisis was fading away, a temporary blip. Don't be fooled: Last month the numbers were nearly the same as the previous two months, the highest this century. Can you believe, John, we're still not supposed to call it a crisis? "The president does not feel that children coming to our border seeking refuge from violence, economic hardships and other dire circumstances is a crisis," White House spokeswoman Jen Psaki told the press. Since when are children crossing deserts and rivers guided only by human traffickers NOT a crisis? But we're not talking mostly about children; a large and growing majority were adults. And we're not talking about some sudden calamity striking Latin America (or China, or the Middle East, or other places illegal aliens are coming from). Eight times more people were apprehended along the border last month than during the same month of the previous year. That's right, John, eight times more. And that's not a crisis? Of course it's a crisis.
Summer has come to the Southwestern desert. Tragically, that means Border Patrol and relief agencies are inevitably going to start finding people have died trying to cross the desert. More people being trafficked across the border inevitably means more death. Catch-and-release policies encourage people to make the dangerous journey. We're pleased that Vice President Kamala Harris said "Do not come" to Guatemalans when she visited there this month. But the Biden administration seems to still be committed to numerous policies that continue to encourage illegal immigration: The Administration cut deportations to a record low. It has unilaterally cancelled international agreements to keep aliens in third-party countries while they claim asylum. It has reinstated the practice of "catch-and-release", allowing illegal border crossers to continue their journey to the interior of the United States. Pres. Biden's Justice Department has cancelled agreements with local governments to take custody of criminal aliens. Pres. Biden is urgently pressing for massive amnesties, rewarding illegal immigration wih citizenship. Fortunately, thanks in part to some recent court rulings, Pres. Biden can't make his immigration agenda permanent without Congress changing the law. The bad news is that Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer are running the House and Senate and they fully embrace Pres. Biden's agenda. The good news is that at least Representatives in swing districts in Congress usually have to care what their constituents think. And that's where we come in. Our job ... yours and mine, together, John, is to make sure Congress knows the American people won't accept being sold out to corporate conglomerates and special-interest lobbies. Earlier this week, the U.S. Supreme Court unanimously ruled that people who came to America illegally and were given temporary protected status couldn't receive permanent, legal status under current law. But the House had already passed a bill that would give it to them! What type of message is that? Come illegally... get a temporary reprieve from being removed... and then use that reprieve to get to stay forever? No wonder people are flooding across the border! The immigration "reforms" working their way through Congress have nothing to do with "fixing" our immigration system, and everything to do with utterly destroying it. We must stop it, and we need your help. Over the next several weeks or even months, you'll be gettin g actions you can take to help, like sending e-mails, faxes or telephone messages to your members of Congress. We'll give you the information you need, or provide you with the editable text of the message. But we also need your financial help to pay for researchers, writers, editors, programmers and lawyers, plus web servers, databases, telecomm equipment, office space... and keeping all our activists' calls and faxes free of charge. And we need it now. Not the day after the Senate starts speeches for final passage. The laws are getting written now. The negotiations are happening behind closed doors now. So if your financial situation means you can't give, I totally understand. We're trying to help Americans going through rough times. PLEASE use our web page and it's Action Board as much as you can to do as much as you can. But if possible, please give today. You can donate three ways: 1) Give via our web page, using your credit card or Paypal. 2) Check -- see the instructions and a form to print out and send with your check. 3) Call (703) 816-8820 to arrange a wire transfer, stock donation, or to make a credit card donation over the phone. If our office is closed, please leave the time and your phone number and we will call back. Keep the faith and don't ever give up! Thank you, Dan Marsh
P. S. Want to send me your feedback? I'm glad to hear from you at [email protected].