From Maris (#VPC) <>
Subject our right is hanging in the balance
Date June 10, 2021 6:29 PM
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If the Supreme Court rules to overturn Roe, 21 states would automatically limit abortion access, including 10 states with total or near-total bans.


A majority of Americans, like yourself, support the right to choose.

But with our constitutional rights hanging in the balance of the anti-abortion majority Supreme Court, we need to demand that Congress protect our reproductive rights before it’s too late.

President Biden has committed to protecting our right to choose — regardless of the Supreme Court ruling — but Biden can’t sign anything until Congress acts.

That’s where you come in: Can you add your name to our petition calling on Congress to protect our right to choose? ([link removed])

People — disproportionately Black and Brown folks — already have to cross state lines or wait weeks to get an appointment.

Planning your family shouldn’t be a privilege or depend on how many state-mandated obstacles you’re willing to jump through.

If the Supreme Court rules in a way that overturns Roe, 21 states have laws on the books that would automatically limit abortion access — including 10 states which have total or near-total bans.

It’s imperative that Congress acts now. Sign on to protect your right to choose and plan your family. ([link removed])

Let’s restore the promise of Roe and repair the damage done to reproductive health access because of attacks on abortion.

We decide,


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#VOTEPROCHOICE is electing a new class of prochoice champions to fight for our autonomy to control our own bodies. Every elected official must protect reproductive freedom. If you want to support our work to elect prochoice champions at every level and empower prochoice voters to elect candidates who truly represent our values of full personal body autonomy, ** please make a contribution today! ([link removed])

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