We have had a great response to our recent email asking you to make a submission calling for Rupa Huq MP's anti-life New Clause 43 to be ditched. New Clause 43 aims to criminalise pro-lifers offering help to women outside abortion clinics in England and Wales.
Today, I checked the written evidence published by the Committee, and I was really delighted to see how many of you have made a submission already! You can see the list here. Thank you to all those who have made a submission.
BUT, to make a real difference, we need many more submissions to the Public Bill Committee which is currently scrutinising the Police, Crime, Sentencing and Courts Bill 2021. We must stop Rupa Huq MP's amendment to this bill (New Clause 43) which would make it an offence to offer loving, pro-life help to pregnant women outside an abortion clinic.
Still time to make a submission
If you haven't yet done so, there's still time to make a submission! A reminder of how to do this:
Please send a brief submission to the Public Bill Committee which is scrutinising the Police, Crime, Sentencing and Courts Bill 2021.
Please do this as soon as possible - the Bill will be reported back to the House by the 24 June at the latest.
The key point to make is: Reject New Clause 43.
Other points to explain why this clause should be rejected include:
Buffer zones deny last-minute help to women, including those who feel pressured or have been coerced into having an abortion.
Peaceful pro-life vigils are not "protests".
Pro-lifers at peaceful vigils do not behave in a harassing or intimidating manner. They are simply praying and making it clear that help is available.
Many children are alive today because their mother met a loving pro-life person directly outside the abortion clinic – where desperate women most need help.
New Clause 43 is an attack on freedom of expression.
In 2018 the Home Office did an extensive review on vigils around abortion clinics and concluded that “introducing national buffer zones would not be a proportionate response, considering the experiences of the majority of hospitals and clinics, and considering that the majority of activities are more passive in nature”.
Praying and offering help to women who do not want to go ahead with their abortion should not be tacked onto this bill and made a criminal offence.
Please include any other points you would like to make in your submission to the Committee, including any personal experience you have.
Your submission should be set out in a Word or similar document and must include:
Heading: Evidence re: Police, Crime, Sentencing and Courts Bill 2021.
Your name and address.
The points you want to make to the Committee. (See bullet points above.)