Taking on the Toughest Fights Globally


Did you know that the Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids works in dozens of countries around the world? Tobacco use is the top cause of preventable death worldwide – and our global programs focus on low- and middle-income countries, where over 80% of the world’s smokers live. Our support for proven solutions that reduce tobacco use and save lives has contributed to 139 countries that require graphic warning labels on tobacco packaging, 46 countries with tobacco ad bans, and 66 countries with smoke-free indoor public places – including all of South America! Altogether, this progress will help prevent over 35 million premature deaths.

On June 24th, we're holding a special virtual event that will provide an inside look at our global tobacco control story – and you're invited!

Taking on the Toughest Fights Globally is the second installment of our 25th Anniversary Storytelling Series. This event will feature speakers from five countries that have enacted tobacco control policies that led to substantial prevalence declines.

Dr. Harsh Vardhan
Minister of Health & Family Welfare


Dr. Vera Luiza da Costa e Silva
Former Head of FCTC Secretariat & Visiting Professor, FioCruz

Saber Hossain Chowdhury
Member of Parliament

Senator Pia Cayetano

Dr. Pankaj Chaturvedi
Cancer Surgeon & Deputy Director at Tata Memorial Hospital, Mumbai

Lilia Olefir
Executive Director, LIFE Advocacy Center

– Moderator –
Yolonda C. Richardson
Executive Vice President, Global Programs, Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids


– Special Guest –
Dr. Kelly Henning
Public Health Program Lead, Bloomberg Philanthropies

We hope to see you there. Learn more and RSVP today >>

–The Tobacco-Free Kids team


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Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids
1400 I St NW, Ste 1200
Washington, District of Columbia xxxxxx
202-296-5469 | [email protected]

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