Recently my team and I sent you an email asking for you to help us better understand the direction which the Republican Party is headed. More
pointedly, we asked you to weigh in on whether
or not you consider President Trump the leader of the Republican Party.
My team just delivered a preliminary report to me and we're not seeing the results we were hoping for. We set a goal of finding 50,000 conservatives to vote in our poll – the more votes the more accurate the findings – and we're
coming up 1,000 votes short.
John, your name is not on my list as having voted. Would you do me a personal favor and cast your vote in my
poll before midnight tonight?
*no response will result in an automatic *NO* selction*
You see, the earlier we can determine the direction in which Republican voters want the party to go - and the leaders who voters want to be at the
helm -- the sooner we can fine-tune our plans to help take back the House majority in next year's midterm elections.
We are asking for your vote one last time ahead of our midnight deadline tonight. Will you take a moment to cast yours now?
We need to know whether or not you're going to stand with our Party leadership – including President Trump – as we work
to take back the house from socialist-sympathizing Democrats next year.
For freedom,

Jim Jordan
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Paid for by Jim Jordan for Congress
PO BOX 355
Delaware, OH 43015 |