Posttraumatic stress, more commonly known as PTS, has been categorized in our public vernacular as something that many military service members face, often labeled as a disorder caused by traumatic events that occurred in the past.
Our team at Boot Campaign wants veterans, their loved ones
and the general public to know three things:
1. PTS symptoms are a natural and normal reaction to an abnormal or distressing event. Anyone who is exposed to trauma -- veterans and civilians alike -- can develop symptoms of PTS, and those symptoms can look very different between one person and another.
2. Recent research shows thatPTS affects the brainin the same way a physical injury affects the body. PTS is not mental weakness, nor is it permanent. Your brain changes and can even heal over the course of your lifetime given the right interventions and environment.
3. Seeking help is a sign of strength.
Our work at Boot Campaign continues as we start June, PTS Awareness Month, and throughout the year because we lace up for those fighting a war within. We need your help, now more than ever,
to honor and restore the lives of the veterans and military families we exist to serve.
Father’s Day is coming up! By giving the
gift of boots, apparel or accessories from our shop you’ll also be supporting the
lives of veterans and military families
across the country.
Our friends at TX Whiskey are showing
their support for our mission by donating
a portion of proceeds from their limited edition Stars & Stripes bottle, on sale
now through July 31.