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LULAC Will Miss a Lifelong Champion
Leonard Chaires Honored by Nation’s Oldest and Largest Latino Civil Rights
Washington, DC - The League of United Latin American Citizens (LULAC) today
issued the following statement in acknowledgement of a lifetime of service to
civil rights and social justice by Mr. Leonard Chaires, who died September 16,
2019 in Dallas, Texas.
“This week, LULAC pauses to pay tribute to one of its staunchest and most loyal
members who devoted much of his life to the service of others, selflessly and
without ever asking nor expecting any glory or praise for his actions. Those of
us who had the privilege of knowing and working with Leonard will tell you that
his calm and respectful demeanor as well as his gaze and smile belied his steeled
commitment to justice, even in the face of seemingly impossible challenges. His
words on behalf of the weaker and more vulnerable among us shall always be
remembered for the power in their simplicity and truth. His voice invited
engagement and his handshake conveyed transparency of purpose as an honest
advocate whose promises always held strong and his bond enduring.
Others will recite his many worthy accomplishments and we, his LULAC Brothers and
Sisters, will speak and be joyful in recalling our times together with Leonard as
a trusted friend, advisor and elder who willingly offered his wisdom acquired
through years of service in the work we do together. Perhaps no greater tribute
can be expressed about a dear compañero than to nod in agreement that when
Leonard walked into a LULAC meeting anywhere, others always greeted him with a
smile and an abrazo as an admired and invaluable part of the family. His spirit
was generous and his speech always positive. We will miss Leonard dearly and
thank his esteemed wife, Maria Felisa and his daughters Janine, Suzette and
Annett for having shared a husband and father with LULAC and our community.”
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