My name is Sylvia and I am a Project Coordinator for Send a Cow Kenya. Right now in Kenya and across other parts of rural Africa, the climate crisis is devastating the lives of farming families.
Having worked with communities in Kenya for nine years, I have seen firsthand the difficulties families face as vital crops are lost to extreme weather like flood and drought.
But here at Send a Cow, we know that where there is land, there is hope.
I'd like to introduce you to Grace, who I met earlier this year. Grace lives in Migori county, Kenya. Grace's home is situated near a river and unpredictable heavy rain means that her small plot of land is vulnerable to flooding. She spends the long periods of drought hoping the rain will come, and when it finally does, it all comes at once.
Despite her hard work to grow enough to feed her family, her crops get washed away, and her chance of fighting hunger goes with them.