MUST-PASS PUBLIC LANDS BILL: The Land and Water Conservation Fund supports parks in nearly every county in the U.S. The House will soon vote on a bill to fully and permanently fund this critical program. We need to make sure we have the votes to pass it.

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$900 million a year for vital park projects across the country is on the table. Sign this petition from the League of Conservation Voters and tell your representative to fund our parks. >>


I’m feeling cautiously optimistic, Jack. When Congress returns from recess, we could pass a critical bill to protect and expand parks throughout the country.

For too long, funding Congress intended for this critical program has been siphoned off, preventing LWCF from protecting more parks and public lands, improving access to our lands, and leaving more sacred spaces vulnerable to the fossil fuel industry. But we have a chance to fix these problems by fully funding the Land and Water Conservation Fund (LWCF). From local baseball fields to the Grand Canyon, LWCF has given children safe spaces to play, families areas to relax, and communities spaces to thrive. It’s so important that we restore this program to its full strength.

That’s why we need the House to pass the Land and Water Conservation Fund Permanent Funding Act (H.R.3195) to provide full funding for the program every single year, as originally intended. But a few anti-environment members of Congress are working to block LWCF funding so that we don’t have the resources to protect more parks — so we need to act now. As our representatives are home for recess, it’s critical they hear from their constituents about what we all care about. Can we count on you to make sure they know just how important our parks are?

We need to flood offices with support for our public lands to get this bill over the finish line. Sign our petition and tell the House to vote YES to fund our lands >>


The biggest roadblock we face is anti-environment members of Congress, who are beholden to their fossil fuel buddies. If LWCF is fully funded, that means more of our lands are protected — and less land is available for Big Polluters to tear apart. They’re going to do everything they can to sink the entire bill, and that’s why we need to act quickly.

But I know we can win, because we’ve already made so much progress for funding our lands this year. Thanks to LCV supporters like you, we successfully pushed Congress to pass a permanent reauthorization of LWCF earlier this year, which means that the program will exist forever. Now we need to make sure LWCF has the budget it needs to support all of the public lands that need help — and that’s where you come in.

Because the program has been critically underfunded, our ability to protect green spaces across the country has been severely limited. With full funding of $900 million, LWCF would be able to expand its legacy of having supported over 41,000 state and local park projects throughout the U.S. — potentially even creating, expanding, or improving a park close to your home. With a fully funded program, families across the country — regardless of income level or ability — would have access to special places to relax, play, and thrive.

We need to get an overwhelming majority of the House on the record in favor of fully funding LWCF — to be louder than the anti-environment representatives and protect these special places. We CAN save America's best parks program but only if we all speak out together. Will you raise your voice today?

It will only take 1 minute for you to help secure full funding for LWCF. Add your name to contact your representative now >>


We can't let this opportunity to fund our best parks program pass us by — please act now to fund LWCF today, Jack.

Thank you for fighting for our parks.

Brooke Still
Director of Digital Strategy
League of Conservation Voters

Paid for by the League of Conservation Voters (LCV). Does not equal endorsement.

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