
In a brazen move, Vice President and Border Czar Kamala Harris went to Guatemala and Mexico this week to blame THEM for the overwhelming surge of illegal migration at the U.S. southern border.

VP Harris’ “diplomatic” attempt at accusing other countries of a crisis caused by her own administration’s flawed policies was tone deaf, at best.

Guatemala President Alejandro Giammattei pushed back saying that the Biden-Harris administration is responsible for their own border crisis. 

He said the “compassionate” and welcoming messaging that came from the Biden administration from the outset gave the coyotes and cartels ammunition to send an overwhelming number of children and families across the border.

Families are now choosing to self-separate at an alarming rate… meaning they are willingly sending their children unaccompanied across the border, a terrifying and incredibly dangerous journey on every conceivable level. 

According to the U.S. Customs and Border Protection agency, April and March marked the busiest months on record for processing unaccompanied children (17,171 and 18,960, respectively).

So it is mind-blowing that the vice president of the United States is deflecting and shifting blame for this border crisis on other countries, citing their problems as the “root causes…” especially since she has yet to go to the border to see the REAL root causes herself. 

Even more boggling is why VP Harris falsely claimed in an interview with Lester Holt last night: “We’ve been to the border.” 

Even stranger is why she proceeded to awkwardly laugh off his attempt to fact-check her, saying she hasn’t been to Europe either. 

It's not a laughing matter. And it’s an odd deflection and distraction tactic.

We are coming out of a global pandemic, and the administration is not taking, or even acknowledging, the public health, humanitarian, and national security crises they’ve created by their poor policies. 

Stand with us in demanding action to alleviate the border crisis.

Sign the petition to DEMAND safe borders now.


Victoria Coley