
Trump mega-donor Louis DeJoy has bent over backward to hobble the Postal Service since being installed as Postmaster General last summer. He should’ve been removed from his role a long time ago by the Board of Governors—but now, it’s gotten even worse.

Over the weekend, a story broke that DeJoy has been under FBI investigation for allegations of campaign finance violations. Not only did he donate more than $1 million of his personal fortune to Trump and the GOP, he allegedly pressured former employees to donate to Republicans in exchange for massive bonuses and perks. This is the same person who coordinated with Trump to sabotage your Post Offices and depress Democratic mail-in voting last November.

DeJoy should be removed immediately. Please add your name and join Democrats in calling for his removal from the United States Postal Service.

We can’t allow DeJoy to continue running such a critical public service for another minute.

Thank you,

Team Moulton

---Forwarded message---


Despite widespread calls to remove Louis DeJoy for his abuse, corruption, and mismanagement, he is still running the Postal Service. President Biden can’t oust DeJoy on his own, only the Senate-confirmed USPS board of governors can do it.

Trump installed DeJoy to sabotage mail-in voting and help his effort to steal the 2020 election.

They failed but they significantly disrupted the Postal Service for every American and now DeJoy is doubling down to help Republicans in 2022 and beyond.

We need to have DeJoy removed immediately. Will you join Democrats across the country in calling for DeJoy’s removal?


The Post Office is on the brink of collapse so your response to this petition is critical.

Thank you,

Team Moulton