
Mike Garcia has taken some bad votes.

Despite running for Congress as a moderate, middle-of-the-road conservative, it has taken him no time at all to show his true colors: He's a far-right Republican who always stands with Donald Trump.

There are just so many bad votes to choose from. But we want to know, which vote disappointed you the most?

Click the image of Mike Garcia's vote that most frustrated you, then chip in $5, or anything you can to Flip CA-25.
American Rescue Plan - No: Voted against the COVID-19 relief package that provided funding for vaccines and school re-openings For the people act - No: Voted against legislation to improve election security and get dark money out of politics
Creation of a Bipartisan Commission to investigate the Jan 6th attacks on the Capitol - No: Voted against a commission to look into the origins of the 1/6/21 attacks on the Capitol Equality Act - No: Voted against civil rights protections for individuals discriminated against for their sexual or gender identity

It's abundantly clear that Mike Garcia is not voting with our district's interests in mind. He's voting with Donald Trump's Republican Party, falling into line even when it means voting against an investigation into the armed attack that put his own life at risk.

We need to dedicate all that we can to flipping this seat and electing a leader who will stand up for you and what you value.

John, chip in $5 or whatever you can today so we can make 2022 the year we ditch Mike Garcia and elect Christy Smith to Congress.   Thanks for stepping up. We can't stand idly by while Mike Garcia takes more of these awful votes.

-- Flip CA-25

Christy Smith is only soliciting funds that comply with federal campaign finance laws.