From VoteVets <>
Subject FIRE Louis DeJoy
Date June 9, 2021 7:30 PM
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We already knew Traitor Trump’s hand-picked Postmaster General Louis DeJoy openly sabotaged the US Postal Service to help Trump try and steal the November election.

Now, we’re learning he is under FBI investigation for campaign finance violations.

Louis DeJoy is too corrupt to run the U.S. Postal Service, an institution so many troops, veterans and everyday Americans depend on. If you agree, sign our petition calling for Louis DeJoy’s immediate removal as Postmaster General. >>> [link removed]

DeJoy was installed by Traitor Trump specifically to sabotage the U.S.P.S. and undercut the democracy so many have fought and laid their lives down for. His actions also left many veterans and seniors waiting for life-saving prescriptions.

If we are going to rebuild public trust in what was once and still can be a sacred institution, we must FIRE Louis DeJoy and replace him as Postmaster General.

If you agree, sign our petition at this link:

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Thank you for taking action.

- The team at VoteVets

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