We’re halfway through the year, and we’re making progress to put criminal justice reform at the top of the agenda for states and Congress.
Check below to learn about some recent wins, as well as upcoming events that will be led by the Dream Corps JUSTICE Team and our Empathy Network:
1. Dream Corps JUSTICE and our allies are commemorating 50 years of the War on Drugs in the hopes of ending it.
It’s been half a century since the War on Drugs was declared on the American people and led to the destabilization of families across the country and our era of mass incarceration.
Dream Corps JUSTICE and our allies, such as Weldon Angelos, are shining a light on the stories of those who were caught in this wave of systemic, racist legislation, over-policing of communities of color, and violence to rectify old wrongs and pass bills to ensure that history doesn’t repeat itself.
Join us on Thursday, June 17th at 4pm PT / 7pm ET for a commemorative event you will not soon forget.

This event is a collaboration between Dream Corps JUSTICE and MISSION [GREEN], and is sponsored by the Last Mile Project.
2. We’ve improved the living conditions for more than 30,000 women incarcerated in 12 -> 13 states with our Dignity for Incarcerated Women Campaign.
On May 17th, the Missouri legislature passed SB 53, which included our Dignity for Incarcerated Women language. This means women in Missouri prisons and county jails will have access to free feminine hygiene products as soon as Governor Mark Parson signs the bill.
Now, we’re looking to advocate for incarcerated women in Pennsylvania with newly introduced, bipartisan legislation to end the shackling of pregnant women and other reforms. Stay tuned for updates on this!
3. +17,000 people are home because of the First Step Act.
We’re working with Democrats and Republicans in Washington, DC to pass three bills that would bring more people home: the First Step Implementation Act, the Covid-19 Safer Detention Act, and the Prohibiting Punishment of Acquitted Conduct Act.
Together, these bills would save the federal government billions of dollars a year while relieving the strain of incarceration on people caught in the crosshairs of a failed system: young people, the elderly and terminally ill, and people with drug offenses.
Don’t miss out! Click here to register for our upcoming event, “50 Years of Injustice: Time To End The War On Drugs” on Thursday, June 17 at 7pm ET/4pm PT.
Thank you for standing with us, — Dream Corps JUSTICE