Last month, it came to our attention that Big ‘Pro-Life’ is encouraging anti-abortion fake clinics to apply for millions of dollars in federal grants through the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.
This cannot stand. Donate now to show you agree.

We immediately set up a petition to gather signatures demanding Xavier Becerra, Secretary of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, not fund these fake clinics.
Fake clinics blatantly manipulate people out of reproductive care they want and need. Fake clinics have no business applying for these funds.
Reproaction has been on the forefront of exposing anti-abortion fake clinics for the harm they cause to our communities. For years we have picketed outside of anti-abortion fake clinics, created and distributed education materials training other organizers to join this fight, as well as created and maintained a database of all discoverable U.S. crisis pregnancy center locations that has been featured in a variety of publications, including The Nation.
Give to not only help continue, but expand, this important work to hold anti-abortion fake clinics accountable.
Erin Matson
Executive Director, Reproaction
P.S. How can you help? 1. Sign our petition 2. Donate to our work exposing fake clinics across the country.