Every day, it seems like our environment is under a new threat and
many of the challenges we face will not be easy to solve. But one
thing we have as the world’s largest environmental movement is the
power of our voices.
Today, I’d like to invite you to take a short 5-question survey to
help us set our priorities for the coming year. We’d like to hear from you.
The challenges that our planet faces are complex.
That's why EARTHDAY.ORG and our global network are working across a
wide range of issues, and these issues all drive to the same goal: to
build the world's largest environmental activist movement that gets
things done.
Will you tell us about what you care about
most? Your opinion matters to us — because it's
supporters like you who drive our work, every year and every day.
We'll read every single response submitted to us.
Thank you for being part of our movement. I'm looking forward to
hearing from you.
Kathleen Rogers President