Hundreds of you RSVPed, attended, and—most importantly—enjoyed our virtual Policy + Pints event last week. For those who didn't get a chance to make it (or those who want to relive the kombucha-fueled fun), we'll let these GIFs do the recapping:
Senator Tina Smith made the case for going BIG and passing a Clean Electricity Standard (CES).

Because, as Data for Progress Political Director Marcela Mulholland made clear, it is overwhelmingly popular.

It's not just popular; it's possible. Ten states have already passed a CES to reduce their emissions, as NRDC Director of Federal Electricity and Utility Policy Yvonne McIntyre reminded us.

Dr. Leah Stokes was all of us: Into. It. (We could have predicted it—Leah co-wrote our report on a CES and is one of its biggest champions.)

Did we pique your interest? Pour yourself a cold one (or a hot one—we don't judge!), then watch and share the full live stream on Facebook with your friends and family—because they need to know why Congress has to pass the full American Jobs Plan with a CES (and not some poor excuse for a counterproposal from the GOP).
Rainee Taylor
Digital Advisor, Evergreen Action