“It is horrifying that we have to fight our own government to save the environment.” - Ansel Adams

Are you:

  • young?
  • a parent?
  • a grandparent?
  • in love with our planet?

    If none of the above apply to you, close and delete this email now...
If you're still here and you haven't contacted Joe Biden about Line 3 yet, what the #$^% are you waiting for?
If you have contacted the President - THANK YOU!


At the end of last night's 350MKE meeting we were joined by Jill Ferguson as she traveled back from the June 5-8 Line 3 protest in Northern Minnesota where she and Aimee were among the hundreds arrested.  Here is the video (26 minutes) of her call.  If her descriptions of the protests don't motivate you to do something, I sure can't.

Listen: find out why they call it the "Treaty People Gathering."
  • Incomplete list of somethings you can do:
    • Write "STOP LINE 3" on a piece of paper, sign it and mail to:
      President Biden
      The White House
      1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W.
      Washington, DC 20500
    • Add a few more words to the above
    • Email Joe Biden
    • Call Joe Biden: 202-456-1111
      • Keep trying until you get through, I hear it's busy
    • Sign the petition to Joe Biden
    • Join the next Minnesota protest.  Be part of the Red, Yellow or Green Groups (listen to Jill's report)
    • Donate to the Treaty People Gathering
      • Help with Bail and Fines for the people who were arrested!
      • $5, $20, $100, $1000, every dollar helps the crowd funding!
    • Forward this email to your friends and family
Do more than one! Please
350 Milwaukee

350MKE Fridays for Future
Friday, June 11, 12:00 - 1:00 pm

Chase and Wells Fargo Banks
Wisconsin Ave & Water St
We've got signs, we just need you to show up!

The world’s biggest 60 banks have provided $3.8 trillion of financing for fossil fuel companies since the Paris climate deal in 2015, according to a report by a coalition of NGOs.

Despite the Covid-19 pandemic cutting energy use, overall funding remains on an upward trend and the finance provided in 2020 was higher than in 2016 or 2017, a fact the report’s authors and others described as “shocking”. The Guardian, March 24, 2021

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