The latest report in our Toxic Trade series is out!!!
It reveals that the UK could be opening the door to 119 pesticides banned for health and environmental reasons as we attempt to join a huge trade deal currently agreed between 11 countries around the Pacific Rim.
Co-authored with Sustain and trade expert Dr Emily Lydgate, the report explores how joining the Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership (CPTPP) threatens to weaken UK pesticide standards.
Risks include higher levels of more toxic chemicals in our food. For example, Australian grapes can contain 6000 times more iprodione thank UK grapes. Iprodione is a carcinogen and suspected endocrine disruptor which means that it is capable of causing cancer and interfering with hormone systems which can lead to birth defects, developmental disorders and reproductive problems.
Unlike the UK, Australia, Chile, Peru and New Zealand continue to allow food to contain residues of the insecticide chlorpyrifos which has been shown to negatively affect the cognitive development of foetuses and young children.
There are also risks to the environment. For example, CPTPP member countries continue to allow the use of neonicotinoids which are banned in the UK for driving massive declines in bee populations.
CPTPP poses all the same problems for UK pesticide standards and farming as a deal with America or Australia. But not many people have heard of it so it’s much harder to galvanise the public or parliamentarians. That’s where you come in!
We need your help to tell the UK Government that they mustn’t agree to any weakening of UK pesticide standards in return for joining CPTPP. Please take 1 minute to email your MP today!
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