Dear John,

This weekend Boris Johnson will host a summit of 7 leaders from some of the world's largest economies. The G7 will meet to set out their aims for global politics covering everything from the climate crisis to the post-covid recovery.

As they lay out their plans for the future of the world, we must make sure that the rights and lives of women and girls are centred. As you know, COVID-19 has had a devastating impact on women and girls. Heightened levels of violence, disproportionate loss of livelihoods and increased risk of FGM and child marriage are just some of the issues impacting women and girls. Evidence shows that without urgent investment now the pandemic will add another 36 years to closing the gender gap. 

No time for empty promises
At a time when the UK government is taking global leadership by hosting the G7, it should be stepping up its commitment to women and girls. Instead, the UK has cut international aid, becoming the only G7 nation to do so this year. The cuts will have catastrophic impacts on women, girls and their communities and undermine the UK’s supposed commitment to gender equality. There is no time for empty promises, we need action now.

#Wednesday4Women – add your voice!

This Wednesday we’re joining over 75 organisations and public figures to demand Boris Johnson and the G7 act now on gender equality. We want you to join us!

Take to social media to demand the UK Government fulfil their commitments to women and girls ahead of the G7 summit this #Wednesday4Women. You can share our tweet below or create one of your own, using the hashtag #Wednesday4Women.
"This #Wednesday4Women I'm joining organisations like @woman_kind and demanding Boris Johnson and the G7 stop the rollback of women's rights by a generation. They must commit to ending gender inequality when they meet this week. #CrackTheCrises"
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Find out more about the historic responsibility to centre women's rights and create a more equitable world from Womankind Chief Executive Caroline Haworth here.

Together, with your support we will shift the world.

In solidarity,

Hannah Little 
Supporter Care Team
Womankind Worldwide

Top image: Womankind partner Women in Politics Support Unit marching in support of gender equality in Harare, Zimbabwe. 
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