What you need to know

Dear John, 

While listening to so many of you during our town halls and tours around the district in recent months, I noticed a common thread woven throughout our conversations - our community is especially caring and resilient. Teachers navigated new digital platforms and distant learning until our students could safely return to the classroom. Small business owners and workers adapted their services to keep our community safe while vaccinations helped our covid cases plummet. First responders went above and beyond to care for those in need.

There are so many groups to thank, but my point is this: the COVID-19 pandemic brought about immense challenges, and yet we came together and are now rounding the corner on this tough year. We are the most vaccinated community in Pennsylvania, and I remain hopeful and committed to the work ahead. Our office has been busy the past couple weeks, so I'm sending you this quick note with important highlights and resources. I hope you have a moment to take a look.

In This E-Newsletter You Will Find:

Honoring Our Fallen for Memorial Day Including how our community came together to honor Black veterans buried in a historically segregated cemetery in Coatesville by placing new grave markers and American flags.

What We're Working On — Including our student town hall with two astronauts aboard the International Space Station, my new bipartisan, bicameral bill strengthening STEM education for our children, the January 6th Commission, and my thoughts on the state of our democracy in my latest TIME op-ed.

Community Connections
 —  Including guidance for folks who are still waiting for an update on their 2020 tax refund or Economic Impact Payment (EIP) and another positive review of our constituent services from Shaun in West Chester who we helped resolve an issue with the IRS.

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Honoring Our Fallen for Memorial Day

Joining Local Officials and Community Organizations to Recognize Veterans' Sacrifices

Ahead of Memorial Day, I joined the Chester County Recorder of Deeds and Veteran Affairs departments, our Commissioners, and local community organizations at Old Evergreen Cemetery in Coatesville. The cemetery was formerly known as "Evergreen Colored Cemetery." Yes, you read that right. This cemetery was established under the stain of segregation.

We gathered as neighbors old and young, military and civilian, to honor the deceased Black veterans who are buried there. In recognition of those Black veterans' service, we placed new grave markers and American flags - acknowledging that too many veterans in our nation's history weren't granted the freedoms they gave their lives defending.

We all owe a debt of gratitude to the Graham family who has dedicated countless hours to maintain the cemetery, honoring their own family buried there. I also want to thank the Coatesville AFJROTC Cadets, the Sons of Union Veterans Civil War Bradbury Camp #149, and V.F.W. Post #287 members for giving their time to this beautiful ceremony.

Thanking Lionville Students for Their Dedication to Our Veterans

As many of you know, I'm a veteran. But I also come from a long line of veterans - both my dad and grandad served in the Navy. Growing up, no matter where we were stationed, my dad would line our home with American flags on Memorial Day to remember the brave patriots who lost their lives in service to our nation. This time of year is set aside to mourn their loss and think too of their families who lost a loved one.

Our responsibility also rests with ensuring our next generation of Americans never forgets the sacrifices of those who came before them. That's why I was so honored to meet with the Patriots Club at Lionville Middle School and thank them for their dedication to our servicemembers past, present, and future. I was honored and humbled to participate in the school's Memorial Day program.

What We're Working On

Hosting an 'Out of This World' Event with NASA Astronauts and PA-06 Students

Recently, we had the honor of having two astronauts aboard the International Space Station, Megan McArthur and Thomas Pesquet, answer questions from our very own bright-minded and curious students here in Chester and Berks Counties. From Nottingham Elementary School to Reading High, Phoenixville Middle School to Delaware County Community College, and everywhere in between, our students asked questions about what life in space is like. I have to admit - I think we might now have some budding astronauts in Pennsylvania! Watch the full recording on Youtube.

Introducing Legislation to Strengthen Our STEM Education and Prepare Our Children for Jobs of Tomorrow

The importance of STEM education cannot be overstated. Since coming to Congress, I’ve made it a priority to improve our STEM education programs both here in Pennsylvania and across the country. When I was an engineering student at Stanford, I was one of only ten women in my major, and those numbers haven’t changed much in the intervening 30 years.

We as elected leaders need to make it clear to our communities that STEM education and diversity within the STEM talent pipeline are absolutely essential. Our bipartisan, bicameral legislation will help innovate our math curriculum to ensure students are learning real-word applications at an early age. Investing in STEM education is investing in the jobs of tomorrow and the young Americans who will one day fill those jobs.

Seeking the Truth: A Bipartisan Commission to Investigate January 6th

We've all seen the disturbing body camera footage from January 6th showing our brave U.S. Capitol Police being dragged down the steps of the Capitol and pepper sprayed. Let me be clear: those individuals at the Capitol on that dark day were not tourists. The world watched in disbelief as the citadel of our democracy was desecrated, and the American people, especially our U.S. Capitol Police and their families, deserve answers. In a historic vote, I joined 251 of my colleagues to uphold my oath of office and support a bipartisan commission. With or without Senate support, we must continue to investigate what happened that day to ensure it never happens again.

Demanding Accountability for Michael Flynn's Dangerous Rhetoric

Like so many of you, I spent Memorial Day Weekend with family, thinking of those who gave their lives in service to our nation. That reflective and meaningful time was punctured when I saw the video of Michael Flynn's comments saying a military coup 'should happen here.' I wish I could say I was shocked, but sadly this rhetoric has become too mainstream. I joined a fellow veteran, Congressman Jason Crow, to share my thoughts on the attacks against our democratic institutions and what we must do to protect our nation. Read our op-ed in TIME here.

Community Connections

IRS: Resources for Pennsylvanians

Our office has received a number of calls from those of you who are still awaiting your 2020 tax refund or Economic Impact Payment (EIP). We know how frustrating these delays can be for families, so I wanted to take a moment to explain what our office has learned. At present, the IRS continues to clear through a massive, unprecedented backlog. This means the IRS is failing to process taxpayer returns in a timely manner. While I understand the pandemic caused such delays, I've written to the IRS Commissioner on multiple occasions expressing frustration on behalf of all of us.

Per the Taxpayer First Act, a bill I helped pass that became law, the IRS continues to improve and modernize their responsiveness. In the meantime, here are a couple of resources that might be helpful for you:

While we can't speed up tax refunds or EIPs that the Department of Treasury is already processing or about to process, we are able to assist in specific cases. I've shared one such example from a West Chester resident below.

Our Latest Constituent Success Story

We were happy to assist Shaun and help him sort out his paperwork issue with the IRS. If you are having a similar issue with the IRS, or an issue with another federal agency, fill out our form and our team will contact you! We also invite you to read more success stories here. Remember, our website is always a resource for you and your family.

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As you know, news is changing every day. If you'd like to see updates more often, please follow us on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram where we post daily.

We want to hear from you. Please stay in touch and let us know what you thought of this e-newsletter. As always, we invite you to call one of our offices or message us through our contact form. Feel free to pass this update along to friends of our community so they can keep in touch too.


1218 Longworth HOB
Washington, DC 20515
Phone: (202) 225-4315
M-F 9:00am-6:00pm
709 E. Gay Street
Suite 4
West Chester, PA 19380
Phone: (610) 883-5050
M, W, F 9:00am-5:00pm
T, Th 9:00am-7:00pm

815 Washington Street
Suite 2-48
Reading, PA 19601
Phone: (610) 295-0815
M, W, F 9:00am-5:00pm
T, Th 9:00am-7:00pm

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