Elections aren’t won overnight.

They’re won because of hard-working organizers reaching out to folks year-round. They’re won because of organizations that never stop building strong foundations for Democrats up and down the ballot. They’re won because of folks like you chipping in during off-years.

I know the 2022 election seems far away. But you can bet dollars to doughnuts that Mitch McConnell hasn’t slowed down. Already, dark money groups have started attacking vulnerable Democrats and we can’t afford to spend the rest of the cycle playing catch up.

Republicans only need to flip one Senate seat to be back in charge. If we want to build the strong operation it will take to stop the GOP and protect our Democratic majority, we have to start right now. I mean it.

Will you chip in $10 or more to help us build the resources we’ll need to elect Democrats up and down the ballot? Election forecasters are saying we have a tough battle ahead and we’ll need your help to come out on top.

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Thanks for anything you can chip in today. It makes a huge difference.

— John