The ocean.

We know that life on this planet would not exist without the ocean.

We also know that the ocean is critical to the very functioning of our economy and our communities. After all, over four in ten Americans live in our coastal estuary regions.

We cannot survive without a healthy ocean, and the coastal communities that rely on it day in and day out. And every American, no matter how far inland they live, counts on our ocean and waterways for survival.

And yet, Donald Trump and his allies were willing to do anything to turn a profit—including selling our waters off to the highest bidders, allowing coastal oil drilling, and ignoring the impacts of climate change on our coastal communities.

We have already seen President Joe Biden and Democrats in Congress work to begin turning the corner to protect our ocean. Biden rejoined the Paris Climate Agreement. He has also canceled offshore oil drilling plans. He has appointed scientists to critical policy-making roles (replacing Trump's ideological hacks).

But there is still a tremendous amount of work to be done.

Please sign this petition and join me in calling on Congress to take bold action to protect the health of our ocean and coastal communities, promote ocean health and resiliency, spur clean energy research and production, and protect our shorelines from the ravages of climate change.

Protect our ocean. Sign the petition

Happy World Ocean Day.


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