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Aquaculture: A sea of suffering

In 2019, Animal Outlook released the first-ever undercover exposé of industrial salmon aquaculture in the U.S. Our investigator worked inside Cooke Aquaculture in Bingham, Maine, exposing senseless violence against these sentient animals.

This groundbreaking video takes you beneath the surface of fish factory farming, revealing putrid conditions breeding disease and parasites as well as widespread cruelty to fish intensively crowded in barren tanks.

Our undercover video reveals:

  • Workers slamming fish on the ground and stomping on them
  • Violently throwing fish
  • Underfed, hungry fish mistaking the pupils of other fishes' eyes for food and eating them 
  • Ineffective or no anesthetization during vaccination and fin clipping
  • Conditions so filthy that fish must be vaccinated
  • Painful spinal deformities and fungus growth on fish intended for human consumption
"It really bummed me out killing fish like we do. 'Cause they just suffocate. It's so rough. Over the years you kinda get desensitized." - A worker at Cooke Aquaculture

Learn more about our investigation of Cooke Aquaculture here.

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