Liberal Super PAC, Emily's List, is targeting me as a top 2022 target. I need your help.
McMaster for Governor
John –

"Which Republican on the list are you most excited to defeat in 2022?"

That's what pro-abortion activist group "Emily's List" asked their radical leftist supporters in a Tweet announcing their 2022 Mid-term Election "On Notice" list of pro-life Republicans – and I have the "honor" of being included.

on notice

If standing up for Life designates me as a "Top 12" Target nationwide, it means I'm doing the right thing as a determined pro-life leader here in South Carolina.

It also means the Left really wants to defeat me. Democrats and their liberal Super PACs are mustering national leftist energy and funding to do exactly that and place an anti-life Governor in Columbia.

John, will you help me fight back?

Chip in $5

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I'm turning to grassroots pro-life conservatives like you – whether you're here in the Palmetto State or a supporter who knows that the fight against unlimited abortion is a nationwide battle – to help me beat back this latest challenge.

Your support today will help Team McMaster lay the groundwork for a winning campaign, get my pro-life message to the voters of South Carolina, and win a huge re-election victory over the Democrats and their radical special interest allies!

With all the national attention we're getting from the Left, we're going to need every pro-life supporter we can get. Please help by chipping in $10 or more today!

Yours very truly,

Henry McMaster
Governor of South Carolina

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