John, check out NCLCV's latest environmental news!

The state Senate did polluters' bidding in rejecting the first woman to lead DEQ — this and more in your CIB for the week of June 7th, John.


NC Senators Reject Qualified DEQ Secretary

In a party-line blindside, the state Senate rejected Gov. Cooper’s nominee for DEQ Secretary, Dionne Delli-Gatti. But they didn't get the last word.

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Green Tie

Green Tie Awards Back in Person!

If you want to help us defeat senators who voted Delli-Gatti down and celebrate those who champion clean energy, join us for our 2021 Green Tie Awards. After a successful virtual event last October, we'll be back in person in Raleigh on October 27!

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Deborah Ross Discusses Jobs Plan with Us

Last Tuesday, Congresswoman Ross of Wake County joined us to talk about what's going on with Congress with the president's American Jobs Plan and why she's working so hard to make it as strong for clean energy and climate action as possible. Also joining us were representatives from the state AFL-CIO, national LCV, Environment NC, and NC Interfaith Power & Light.

Watch here

oil refinery

Biden Restores Key Wildlife Protections

The Biden Administration has been restoring critical endangered species and wildlife protections which Trump had weakened.

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NASA Finds Ways to Cut Methane Emissions

Did you know NASA isn't just astronauts? Their latest study proves natural gas can easily be produced with far fewer methane emissions.

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PO Box 12671
Raleigh, NC 27605
United States