In the Media, our daily collection of news and commentary related to secularism, is one of the most
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A group called the Islamic Human Rights Commission has received more than £1m in charity cash despite being run by self-declared Islamist revolutionaries
closely aligned to Iran who say that the West is "the enemy" and Britain a "Stasi state".
A group of schools in Northern Ireland has been nominated for a Nobel Peace Prize for working to educate children from different religious backgrounds
The leader of the Church of Ireland has said it is a "duty" of Christians to approach their representatives in an attempt to stop Northern Ireland's abortion
laws from being liberalised.
A gunman has killed two people in eastern Germany after attempting to enter a synagogue where dozens were observing a Jewish holiday. Prosecutors say there
are indications of a possible right-wing extremist motive.
French president Emmanuel Macron vowed an "unrelenting fight" against Islamist terror on Tuesday as he paid tribute to the four Paris police staff stabbed to
death last week by a radicalised colleague.
Religious ethos cannot be allowed to interfere with the teaching of Relationships and Sexuality Education in schools, Ireland's education minister Joe McHugh
has said.
Even in death there is no respite for the Uighurs, one of the world's most persecuted minorities, according to a new investigation that has revealed China is
destroying burial grounds where generations of families have been interred.
A US federal judge has overturned a ban on conversion therapy in the Florida city of Tampa, saying the health care regulation is the prerogative of the
state, not the city.
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