John --
On Gun Violence Awareness Day, a federal judge struck down California’s decades-old assault weapons ban. In his opinion, the judge called assault rifles like the AR-15 “fairly ordinary, popular, modern rifles” and even compared them to a Swiss Army Knife.
You only need to see the weapon used in some of our most devastating mass shootings to know just how untrue that claim is.

Nearly 70% of Americans support a federal assault weapons ban. Yet, even in the face of a gun violence epidemic and the will of the American people, the Republican Party remains the party of gun-rights extremism. For years, the Republican playbook has been to work with the NRA and other gun groups to stack the bench with judges who will rule in their favor -- like this judge, who was appointed to the court by President Bush despite a rating of “not qualified” by the American Bar Association.
While Friday’s ruling is undoubtedly bad for public safety, California Democrats know that focusing on gun violence prevention is more important now than ever. California will appeal the ruling in court, and our State leaders have pledged to continue their work on gun reform.
Democrats across the nation are taking a stand against the NRA! Will you join our nationwide effort to enact strong actions against gun violence? Chip in $5 so we can continue electing Democrats who will put the safety of our communities first.
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While we mourn for those who have lost their lives to the gun violence epidemic, California Democrats are standing with our brothers, sisters and siblings to fight for a future free of gun violence.
-California Democratic Party