Hi, there -- Andy's Finance Director, Amy, here.
As South Jersey begins reopening in earnest and starts to put this pandemic in the rearview mirror, Andy's whole team is looking forward to brighter days ahead -- and maybe even a normal(ish) summer!
One of Andy's favorite things to do (besides spending lots of time with his two boys) is connecting with Team Kim supporters and getting to know them better at campaign events.
That's why I'm emailing today to personally invite you to our next grassroots Zoom event, where we'll host an “Ask Me Anything” session with Andy. Here are the details:
Ask Andy Anything!
Thursday, June 10, 2021
8 PM Eastern
Last month, Andy heard from some of our most engaged supporters and asked about your priorities. This month, it's your turn to ask him anything you'd like -- whether it's his perspective on recent news, what he's looking forward to most this summer, or even the secret to his bagel recipe.
Seeing everyone at these events means a lot
-- to Andy, to me, and to our whole team. Thank you, truly, for being with us in that fight. I hope to see you there (and hear your questions for Andy) this Thursday night!
You can click here to RSVP now!
Amy Tarczynski
Finance Director
Andy Kim for Congress
P.S. Lots of folks said they should have brought a friend to our last meeting. So if you're thinking of the perfect person to ask Andy a question at our next conversation, please be sure to forward them this email and ask them to RSVP today at this link: