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Dear Fellow Patriot,

The fight to restore the Second Amendment is just beginning. To think that in 2009, the year Barack Obama entered office, only two states had Constitutional Carry. Fast forward to the present, there are now 20 states with Constitutional Carry.

Constitutional Carry is the idea that any lawful American can carry a firearm without having to beg the government for permission. It’s the hottest Second Amendment fight of our time and a sign that the Second Amendment is alive and well in America.

Personally, I want to bring the Constitutional Carry to Washington DC. Americans should not have to beg bureaucrats to exercise their God-given right to self-defense.

That’s why I’m asking you to join my campaign for US Senate by making a generous contribution to my secure online donation page to let me know you’re all in

America needs aggressive fighters in DC who are ready to square off against the Left. Previously, I worked as an investigative journalist and dedicated my career to exposing waste, fraud, and abuse.

I exposed then-Attorney General Eric Holder’s Justice Department and the Criminal Investigation Division of the IRS when they were conducting unconstitutional, Gestapo raids on conservative owned businesses in America.

On top of that, I have a strong feel for what grassroots conservatives desire. As an NRA USCCA, and State Police Certified Firearms instructor who has trained over 40,000 law-abiding Americans on the right to self-defense, I know that Americans still believe in the Second Amendment. 

However, my RINO opponent John Boozman is out of touch. He has spent two decades in Congress doing absolutely nothing. For his inability to stand up for his constituents, Boozman has received failing grades from a number of conservative organizations.

Boozman does what politicians do best, “go along to get along.” This kind of behavior is unacceptable during a time when all of our rights are on the chopping block. 

It will be up to a new generation of conservative leadership to confront the Left and restore our constitutional freedoms. Standing on the sidelines and uniting with Democrats to destroy the Second Amendment can no longer be tolerated.

I won’t sugarcoat it.

We’re dealing with a Biden administration that is hell-bent on passing radical gun control measures — from universal gun registration to red flag gun confiscation orders. The Second Amendment is strong, but it requires constant vigilance from patriots like you.

We must continue to place the pressure on our elected officials. And most importantly, when they don’t listen to your demands, they must be unseated come election time.

The Senate is one of the most important legislative bodies where principled elected officials can fight back against unconstitutional gun control actions. The key is that we have the right people in office to take the fight to Gun Control Inc. 

I’m a proven Constitutional fighter with a long track record of fighting for you, and I’m answering the call to defend your sacred freedoms during a time when they’re under assault.

But now I’m asking you to help me in my fight to take back Congress and give RINO politicians the boot.

So please consider a contribution of $2800, $1000, $500, $250, $100, $50, or $25 to my campaign to help restore the Second Amendment at the national level. It’s time for elected officials to stand up to the Biden administration’s anti-Second Amendment agenda

I am thankful for your continued support.

In Liberty,

Jan Morgan Signature
Jan Morgan

Republican for United States Senate

Jan Morgan for Senate Website
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