I'm going to cut right to the chase: Get Out The Vote is happening right now in the Virginia primary. We set a goal of reaching 125,000 voter contacts by text, phones, and door to door and we're almost there.
In fact, we're so close, I don't just want to hit that goal -- I want to blow it out of the water!
Can you rush a last minute contribution for $5, $17, $25 or any amount you can right now to put us over the top?
We started working to flip Virginia from a red state to a blue one in 2013. Election after election we made significant gains, winning statewide first by flipping the Governor, Lt. Gov., Attorney General, and the U.S. Senate seats.
By 2017, the fight became local, and we worked to flip the state legislature from a Republican super majority in the House of Delegates and a 10 seat Republican advantage in the state Senate to complete democratic control. We came very very close, electing progressive champions like Danica Roem, Hala Ayala, Elizabeth Guzman and Jennifer Carroll Foy with control of the House of Delegates being decided by a flip of a coin. Literally.
In 2019, we finished the job and flipped control of both the State House and Senate, finally turning Virginia blue after 6 years of long-term organizing and deep year around engagement.
Now, it's time to flip the balance of democratic power from establishment, corporate, pro-Wall Street democrats to truly transformational progressive democrats willing to fight for bold change. That starts by electing Jennifer Carroll Foy again, this time as our democratic nominee for Governor, and Sam Rasoul and Jay Jones to Lt. Gov. and Attorney General.
We can do it. We're almost there. Will you rush a last minute contribution to help us blow past our 125,000 voter contact goal and fund GOTV right now?
Working together, we're making a difference and electing the leaders of tomorrow.
— Chris
Chris Scott
Chief Political Officer
Democracy for America