Block 4th

Dear Gentlemen,

My name is Joe Yokum. Like many of you, I am a man who has experienced the anticipation, joy and excitement of knowing that I was going to be a dad, but later felt the sorrow, pain, helplessness and uncertainties after losing a child.  While many of us put aside our grief to support our wives, we end up finding ourselves feeling alone and isolated.  But hey…we’re supposed to be tough and able to handle our emotions, right?  At least that is what we may be told or feel that the world expects of us. We often don’t carve out the time needed to walk through these feelings with others, and opportunities to do so are limited.
This is why I feel called to kick off the No Foot Too Small (NFTS) Men’s Social Club. I invite each of you to join along, as you are, to share in opportunities to laugh, tell stories, cry and maybe walk away with a bit more hope knowing that you are not alone.  Together, we are stronger, able to stand a little taller, and as we face and navigate our own grief, we become better equipped to walk along beside our spouses in their own journeys of pain and suffering.  Maybe even one day, you will find joy in celebrating your angels with a community of others.

So, please join me in our very first NFTS Men’s Social Club event on June 15, 2021 at Reds Alehouse in North Liberty, IA.  Just follow this link below to RSVP via our Facebook Event.  


Looking forward to seeing you there.
— Joe
To contact Joe directly, please email:
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