Welcome to Monday, June 7th, saints and scoundrels..
A much-anticipated review of unidentified aerial phenomena (UAP) by U.S. intelligence officials could not reach a conclusion about the origins or nature of aircraft that have been sighted near American military personnel.
These findings are based on the classified version of a report that is expected to be released to Congress in an unclassified form by June 25th, according to an article in the New York Times.
Per the Times, the intelligence review determined that there is no evidence the UAP are alien spacecraft, but that the possibility could not be definitively ruled out given the ambiguous nature of the sightings.
Officials reportedly believe “a vast majority of more than 120 incidents over the past two decades did not originate from any American military or other advanced U.S. government technology.”
Most of the encounters involved Navy personnel operating off of the Atlantic and Pacific coasts of the continental U.S., although the report also examined incidents involving foreign militaries.
Do you believe U.S. intelligence officials don’t know the origins of the UAP?