For decades One Nation has argued that the negative side effects of mass migration were being overlooked by Labor and Coalition governments.

Now many are saying One Nation can claim vindication!

Because of the COVID pandemic, the federal government has finally been forced to cut immigration and the positive economic benefits are there for all to see.

Even after suffering through the first recession in nearly 30 years, Australia’s unemployment rate is still only 5.5%, and the reason for this is obvious.

Lower immigration is good for local jobs.

And it's not just Aussies looking for jobs who have benefited, those with jobs have also been seeing the positives.

A recent publication from the Reserve Bank of Australia has predicted that for the first time in a decade Australian workers can expect to see their wages grow.

What we also know is when wages grow, consumer spending increases and the whole of Australia profits.

For decades One Nation has argued that cutting immigration will mean more jobs and better pay for Aussies. Sadly, it has taken a global pandemic and the forcing of the Government’s hand to prove we were right.

Despite the proven benefits of lower immigration, there are already rumblings from the Coalition and Labor that we need to open the flood gates back up as soon as possible.


You can bet your bottom dollar that One Nation will fight this tooth and nail.


We simply cannot allow the Coalition or Labor to return us the harmful mass migration politics of the past and we will do everything in our power to stop them.

You can watch One Nation leader Senator Pauline Hanson discuss One Nation’s vindication with Chris Kenny on Sky news by visiting her Facebook page here!

Watch Now!


After years of constant pressure, the federal government has caved and announced an investigation into Coal LSL, an Australian Government corporation, amidst accusations of systemic fraud and allegations of underpayment of Australian workers.

Thanks to a long campaign from One Nation Senator Malcolm Roberts, who has been active in shining a spotlight on the fund to some miners’ claims that labour hire firms are under-reporting their actual hours, and so their LSL obligations, to the fund, the issue will now receive the property scrutiny it deserves.

 “After two years of lobbying the government to look more closely at Coal LSL, I welcome this independent review of Coal LSL,” Senator Roberts said,

“I acknowledge all the coal miners who have worked with me to help identify the errors in Coal LSL,” he said.

Prior to Senator Roberts’ efforts, Coal LSL had never appeared at Senate Estimates for scrutiny but now they have been forced to now appeared at five Estimates hearings and as a result of Senator Roberts’ questioning their embarrassing shortcomings were ultimately exposed.

“One of the positive outcomes for workers from those Estimates’ questions is that twelve employers have been issued with notices for systematic or widespread under-reporting of casual hours,” Senator Roberts said.

 ‘I will be watching to ensure that the inquiry will address the structural and governance deficiencies and specifically scrutinise the possible conflicts of interests since directors of Coal LSL are from unions and employers.’


By One Nation NSW Leader Mark Latham

You may have heard of this concept in the media. Certainly it has become popular in universities and schools in recent years.

It is part of the Left-wing drive to embed ‘post-modernism’ in our society: a belief that everything is fluid, that everything we know about ourselves, our identity, our gender, our history, even science, has been manipulated by the capitalist system to deceive us.

Critical Race Theory (CRT) argues that racism is embedded in all parts of Australian society, in every person and every institution. Anyone who thinks otherwise is simply suffering from ‘unconscious bias’ – an inability to understand their own views and inherent bias against ‘people of colour’.

Why has the Left popularised CRT now? The old Marxist view was that capitalism oppresses the workers to the point of revolution. But this fell over with the Soviet Union and fall of the Berlin Wall.

So the new theory is that capitalism oppresses citizens as social beings. And the only way of ridding society of racism, they argue, is to rid it of capitalism itself.

So CRT is just a replacement form of revolution theory, given that the last one (based on economics) failed.

In truth, CRT distracts from the real challenge in race relations: ending Aboriginal poverty in places that these theorists never visit of even know about. This is the point Jacinta Price consistently makes.

The first, overwhelming priority should be addressing Indigenous welfare dependency, family violence, drug and alcohol abuse and school truancy, especially in remote areas.

Australia is NOT a racist nation. A series of international surveys have shown Australia to be one of the most racially tolerant places on Earth. Plus, millions of migrants wanting to come here hardly see us as racist against them.

The tragedy for the Left is they had a valid, broadly agreed upon position on race that was accepted in society: the Martin Luther King ethos of looking through skin colour and focusing on a person’s character and innate worth. They have blown that way for the radical divisiveness of CRT, unsupported by evidence and public opinion.

The true purpose of CRT is revolutionary. It’s a political propaganda exercise that must be driven out of classrooms before it poisons the minds of our young people.


That is this weeks recap from One Nation. 

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