the conversation forward, and highlight compassion, understanding and progress. In that spirit, today we again turn our focus to race. And we are asking you to get involved.
More than a decade ago, writer Michele L. Norris began the Race Card Project, in which she asked people to think about the word “race” and boil their thoughts down to six words. She expected few would respond. She was wrong. “I had no idea that what I was actually creating was a taproot that would carry me into people’s most private spaces,” she says. So far, more than 500,000 people have written six-word micro-essays about race, hailing from every state and about 100 countries and territories. Michele recently has brought the Race Card Project to the National Geographic Society, as a storytelling fellow. We’ll support Norris in using a wealth of tools—audio, video, animation, cartography, photography, art, technology—to bring the project’s archived stories to life. These aren’t just binary conversations about Black and white people; this “quilt,” as she describes it, pulls at all manner of cultural threads, from Latinos and Indigenous people to Asians and Iranians.