G7 takes place in Cornwall from Friday-Sunday. It is an important moment in history as nation leaders convene to define the roadmap out of the coronavirus pandemic, and we will be watching to make sure that they deliver. The time is now to build back bett



The G7 Summit takes place in Cornwall from Friday-Sunday. It's an important moment in history as nation leaders convene to define the roadmap out of the coronavirus pandemic, and we will be watching to make sure that they deliver. The time is now to build back better, putting people and planet at the heart of everything we do. Here's more about how Greens are working to make sure that we are building an England and Wales fit for the future 🔽


Caroline Lucas wrote a piece in The Metro warning that the virus is spreading as we approach 21 June re-open date.

Green Party's Vix Lowthion urges the government to not make schooldays longer after the trauma of covid.


💚SUPPORT THE PARTY: Show your support to the party by wearing our Green Party logo tee. You can get yours here! If you're looking for future-proof plans designed to create a Green and equitable world, Caroline Lucas and Michael Woodin's book shows how economic localisation could be adopted and applied to help solve many of the current international crises, including climate change, trade and development, agriculture, and international security. Pick up your copy here.


💚LEARN ABOUT GREEN POLICIES: Greens, including Sian Berry and Jonathan Bartley are calling for progressive alliances to tackle injustice. Universal Basic Income is a key part of Green Party policy, because financial security is a fundamental building block of a good, just society.


💚TAKE ACTION: Sign the petition calling for a Wellbeing Economy that puts the health of people and planet over profit.

P.S. The time is now to build back better, putting people and planet at the heart of everything we do. Together, we can tell the government to step it up. Will you support us as we prepare to get more Greens elected to Parliament?