Now that the deterrence of the Trump Administration is gone, China is on the move and Democrats can't stop kissing their ass. Looks like the boot-licking is about to get kicked up a notch ....
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Breaking news stories the media complex won't cover. Share widely.

For more information on any post below, click through to read the full article on our website.

China Threatens NUCLEAR WAR, Expanding Arsenal in Case of ‘Intense Showdown’ with USA - Geller Report News
Now that the deterrence of the Trump Administration is gone, China is on the move and Democrats can't stop kissing their ass. Looks like the boot-licking is about to get kicked up a notch ....

REPORT: High-Ranking Chinese Defector Working With DIA Has 'Direct Knowledge' of China's Bioweapons Program—and It's Very Bad - Geller Report News
Chinese scientists said a third world war would be fought with biological weapons, while Democrat communists stand in solidarity with this totalitarian enemy, banning the term China virus.

CHINA VIRUS SHARIA UK: City Council Enacts MEN-ONLY COVID Vax Clinic - Geller Report News
Whenever Western law and Islamic law conflict, it is always Western law that must give way to the most brutal system of governance on the face of the earth Why?

British towns that are no-go areas for infidels: Muslim author's study of mosques reveals children 'attacked for being white', parents making families live under Islamic laws and women who can't leave home without permission - Geller Report News
Muslims are the only immigrant group who come to the West with a ready made model of society they believe to be superior to Western law and they work furiously, by all means, to impose it. "Biden" has thrown open our borders to jihad migration to ...

President Trump to Address North Carolina GOP Convention TONIGHT! - Geller Report News
Freedom on the march. Don’t miss former President Trump’s Saturday night remarks when he takes the stage at the North Carolina GOP’s 2021 Convention.

'MAKE MY BLOOD BOIL': NYC Psychiatrist tells Yale Audience She Fantasizes About Shooting White People in Head - Geller Report News
American universities are abusing our children, turning them into racist zombies. NYC psychiatrist Dr. Aruna Khilanani told an audience at the Yale School of Medicine in April that she had fantasies of "unloading a revolver into….....

Witnesses: Surge in Migrants from Muslim Terror-Linked Nations - Geller Report News
Trump was right. How many Americans will pay with their lives?

FAUCI PROTEST: World Wide Rally for "Freedom from Faucism" in NYC Foley Square - Geller Report News
On May 15, 2021, there were demonstrations in multiple cities across the U.S. to denounce restrictions imposed during the COVID-19 pandemic and their impact on civil liberties.

China State-Run Media Paying American News Outlets Millions To Publish Propaganda - Geller Report News
And treacherous media whores are only to happy to serve our worst enemies ..... Time magazine, Los Angeles Times, the Chicago Tribune, and Foreign Policy.....

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