We can defeat voter suppression with people-power.
It takes long-term organizing and year-round engagement. It takes investing deep resources into the New American Majority of Black, brown, and white progressives we need to win.
It takes a nationwide network of progressives working together with local organizations and on the ground activists to build a representative democracy filled with transformational leaders fighting for inclusive populism at all levels of office.
It takes you.
DFA is expanding its efforts in Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, South Carolina, North Carolina, and of course, doubling down on our work in Georgia and Virginia. These states could flip tomorrow if we can organize and activate those voters.
Will you support DFA's work to defeat voter suppression and Flip the South by becoming a monthly supporter of $17 (or any amount you choose) right now?
I'm not saying this will be easy.
Defeating voter suppression is tough. We've lost many races because of illegal voter purges, restrictive registration laws and limitations on ballot access, and Republicans are hell bent on passing as many new voter suppression tactics as they can all across the country.
You've probably heard about what they did in Georgia. Banning handing out water in line, and cutting down the days and times available for early voting are just a few of their new strategies to try and stop people of color from voting.
Republicans have already passed new voter suppression laws in 17 states. And if Democrats in the State Legislature hadn't walked out and denied Republicans a quorum when it came time to vote, Texas would be another one.
We can still beat them though, because we've learned the tactics that defeat voter suppression. We've done that before too. We know that long term organizing and deep engagement is the key to getting our coalition out to vote and we've proven it, from Virginia to Georgia to Nevada to Arizona, over and over again
I'm calling on you to help fund this fight. Will you become a DFA Defender and contribute monthly in support of our working to win everyday?
Republicans are scared and they know they are losing. These new voter suppression laws are their last desperate attempt at hanging on to control but with your help it won’t work.
Thank you for everything you're doing to defeat voter suppression and flip the South.
— Chris
Chris Scott
Chief Political Officer
Democracy for America