This is the most important fundraising deadline Lindsey has ever faced, so we're asking every single one of our grassroots supporters to step up and help us qualify.

Hi John —

Anna Scheetz, Team Lindsey’s Finance Director here! We are just 3 days away from our final Matching Funds deadline and our last chance to unlock hundreds of thousands in matching funds from the City. 

This is the most important fundraising deadline Lindsey has ever faced, so we're asking every single one of our grassroots supporters to step up and help us qualify.

I just check the latest numbers and I see that you haven’t yet contributed toward Monday’s Matching Funds deadline. Can you chip in just $20 right now to help? I wouldn’t be asking if this wasn’t an absolutely crucial fundraising deadline.


Because Lindsey doesn’t accept corporate and Super PAC money like other candidates, our grassroots campaign relies heavily on the hundreds of thousands we receive from the City in 8 to 1 matched funds.

With the election just 18 days away, we can't afford to leave a single dollar on the table. Our opponents and corporate Super PACs are spending big in these final weeks to drown out our progressive movement. We Matching Funds to keep up!

But this deadline is our last chance.

Will you rush a donation before our FINAL filing deadline to help us stay competitive?



Thank you,

Anna Scheetz  


Lindsey Boylan is a justice-first progressive Democrat running for Manhattan Borough President to create a more equitable, sustainable, and livable city.

Will you make a grassroots contribution to help us build a winning campaign AND so Lindsey can continue to speak truth to power?