![]() Uncle Tom. Sellout. White Man's Porch Monkey. House N*****.
John, I have been called these names and worse for as long as I can remember, all because I’m Black and I don’t want to be a victim.
And, they should be scared. Because Black America is waking up.
We do not want their pity, and we do not want their handouts. We want freedom. We want strong families, a strong economy and a strong nation . . .
We do not want their socialist nightmare – we want the American Dream.
I participated in Uncle Tom documentary because I have been Black my whole life, and I have been conservative my whole life. And, right now, we are at a turning point.
Every day, more Black Americans are seeing the Democrat Party for who they are and walking away.
But, it is time to put the nail in the coffin.
It is time to end the left’s stranglehold on the Black community once and for all.
Because without the Black vote, the Democrats cannot win.
So, it is up to you and me to seize this moment, and expose millions of Black Americans to the truth.
Black Americans do not need to be “taught” conservative values. Most of us were raised with them.
But the left convinced Black Americans that “Republican” and “conservative” just mean racist.
That is how they’ve succeeded for so long.
And, that is why I need patriots like you to make history with me, and expose the truth about Democrats vs. Republicans to the Black community.
Please donate $100 or more today and get your copy of Uncle Tom.
Thank you in advance for your support.
Steadfast and Loyal, Lt. Col. Allen West Chairman, Republican Party of Texas
![]() ![]() Paid for and Authorized by the Republican Party of Texas
P.O. Box 2206 Austin, TX 78768 |
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