If what I’m reading below from the Washington Post is true, I would have a very hard time voting yes on the infrastructure package that’s currently on the table:

This infrastructure package was written with the best interest of working class folks in mind. If you ask me, there is absolutely no compromising against their best interests. There is no allowing Republicans to unravel and discredit our work. Racist infrastructure has damaged districts like mine for generations, and this infrastructure bill can be an important first step towards healing. But if President Biden continues to compromise for the Republican Party’s sake — we won’t be able to make the much-needed progress.
To be honest with you, John, the $2.2 trillion package was already the compromise. And if President Biden is brokering compromises and deals that the Republican Party is dictating, I can’t vote yes on this version of the infrastructure package in good conscience.
The crises we face are immense and urgent. We have an economic crisis, a climate crisis, and a crisis of racial injustice — the impacts of which are felt by hundreds of millions of people daily.
The Biden administration and our Congress have a historic opportunity to act. We were sent to Washington because we were expected to deliver results, progressive change, and bold legislation.
History won’t judge us kindly if we let moments like these pass us by.
Republicans have given Democratic governance the middle finger since the day President Biden was inaugurated. That’s why I’m so adamant that we can’t — and won’t — reward them by keeping Donald Trump’s corporate tax cuts in place and slashing our infrastructure package by half.
John, my priorities are with getting the American people back on their feet — not with getting Republicans on board with necessary legislation by watering down its bold, progressive parts. I’m proud to continue holding Republicans and President Biden accountable to making sure that this bill passes as we intended. Will you add your name to encourage Jamaal to keep the pressure on Biden to pass the infrastructure bill without compromises?
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Jamaal via LeftNet