According to Pew, more than 50% of Americans support raising the federal minimum wage, which hasn’t changed in over a decade. Raising the minimum wage will help those most likely to be working minimum wage positions such as low- and middle-class workers, Black and brown communities, and women.
We must raise our minimum wage. People across Georgia work multiple minimum-wage jobs to keep food on the table and roofs over their heads. No one working 40+ hours a week should struggle to pay their bills, but rising costs of living make that an unfortunate reality. Sign on right now to support raising the federal minimum wage!
Our minimum wage has not kept up with our rapidly changing economy, and our families have paid the price. Millions of Americans live paycheck to paycheck, keeping them perpetually at or near the poverty line. In the wealthiest country in the world, no family should struggle to feed themselves. We need to raise the minimum wage now to provide an instant boost to the economy in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Join the millions of Americans demanding change and sign on to support raising the minimum wage!
We’re fighting for a better tomorrow — glad you’re with us.
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