Today is the last day to vote early--please take a few minutes today if you are able and vote at the Courthouse, Walter Reed Community Center, or the Madison Community Center between 9 am and 5 pm. Doing so is an easy and important way to help move forward the commitment to justice we share via the Attorney General's race and the other elections on the ballot.
You can vote early today at the Courthouse, Walter Reed, and Madison Community Center without a reason due to law passed last year by Virginia Democrats. Attorney General Herring has been a critical part of the effort to protect the right to vote, so I ask you to join me in supporting him.
Please go here to learn more and vote TODAY:
As I continue to share my choices in this primary election ending June 8th, in the race for Attorney General, I'm supporting Mark Herring for Attorney General. Mr. Herring has been an outstanding lawyer for the people of Virginia. On same sex marriage and access to education for Dreamers, he has been an effective advocate to help change our country for the better. He has also been a critical leader on abortion rights and the opioid epidemic.
With Attorney General Mark Herring & Delegate Rip Sullivan at an event the AG did to help win in 2018.
In light of Mr. Herring's record and his commitment to continuing the work to serve Virginians, I believe he deserves the opportunity to serve over the next four years. Put another way, Attorney General Herring has shown us ample evidence that he will do an excellent job over the four years to come. The Washington Post describes the case well:
Please join me in voting today if possible or Tuesday. Many people have worked hard for the right to vote. Honor them and the ideals we share by voting and asking a friend to vote as well.