
Last week, I introduced my first bill to help small businesses. Back in 1988, I opened the Wynkoop Brewing Company with a loan — but first, 33 banks turned me down. That’s why I’m fighting to increase resources for small businesses in underserved communities.

And do you want to know the coolest part? Your grassroots donations keep me focused on that work. Every dollar you give to an email like this allows me to stay 100% focused on my job in the Senate instead of dialing for dollars.

We email you so often because we literally depend on your grassroots support to fuel everything we do. I know $5 here and $10 there might not seem like much, but when folks from all over chip in to a movement they believe in? That’s powerful.

So now, I’m humbly asking you to contribute any amount that makes sense for your budget to help us continue making progress and building our people-powered movement. Anything you can chip in makes a difference.

If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:

Thanks for all you do,
