John—Yep, you read that correctly. Donald Trump is rebooting his divisive rallies and headlining the North Carolina GOP convention tomorrow. It’s being promoted as a “presidential address,” just in case it’s not clear what Trump is up to here.

Last week, Trump’s disgraced former national security adviser explicitly called for a military coup to put Trump back in the office he lost in 2020. This week, news outlets across the country reported that Trump has been telling people he expects to be reinstated as president by August!

It’s strange and more than a little bit pathetic. But worse, it’s incredibly dangerous to democracy for Trump to continue sowing doubt in our electoral process and spreading ridiculous lies that become parroted by right-wing media.

Still, a majority of the Republican Party stands with Trump and are willing to trade their integrity for political points. And many of them are running for Congress in 2022.

The stakes are sky-high next November. If Republicans win the midterms, Trump will own Congress and the Biden Administration will be obstructed at every turn.

Worse yet, if Republicans control Congress heading into the next presidential election, they may succeed where the Capitol Insurrection failed and throw out a legitimate Democratic victory.

Before Trump takes the stage in North Carolina, please rush a contribution of whatever is meaningful to you right now to help us defend our Democratic majorities in the House and Senate.


Thank you,

-Team Moulton