In just one week, RepresentUs will be joining American Promise and citizen leaders from across the nation at one of the leading conferences in the democracy reform movement—and we’d love to see you there.
Join us for the National Citizen Leadership Conference October 19th - 21st in D.C.

Here’s a sneak peek at some of the programming:
Saturday: Rising Generation: The Cause of our Time.
Join RepresentUs Grassroots Communications Manager, experts, and advocates for an interactive discussion of the next generation of reform leaders sweeping the nation with their energy, unique organizing tactics and vision—and learn how we can plug in and support these budding campaigns and leaders. Learn more and register now!
Sunday: It’s On! Key Structural Reforms for Strengthening our Republic and Renewing our Democracy
Hear the powerful stories from people on the frontline of the anti-corruption movement. Speakers include RepresentUs Senior Counsel Scott Greytak, the inspiring Katie Fahey of Voters Not Politicians, and more. You won’t want to miss these stories.
Monday: Citizen Lobby Day on Capitol Hill
We’ll be learning from experts and meeting with elected officials to tell Congress that they need to represent every American, not just the wealthiest and well-connected.
Check out the other fantastic programming and register now!
When we’re fighting to end the corrupt pay-to-play political system, we need to come together—and there’s no better time than now. There’s something for everyone at #NCLC2019.
See you in D.C.,
Ellen Moorhouse Grassroots Communications Manager RepresentUs