Hey Bold Progressives,

Ben Wikler here -- Chair for the Democratic Party of Wisconsin -- and I’m excited to invite you to a special online event that we’re having on Sunday, June 6th. Click here to learn more and RSVP!

Turn on images to see the RSVP for the event.

Wisconsin is on a perpetual knife’s edge. We’re the only state in the country that’s had under 1% margins in 4 of the last 6 presidential elections. Our great Governor, Tony Evers, won by 1.1% in 2018. Our awful Senator, Ron Johnson, is the most vulnerable incumbent in the Senate, and he’s up for re-election in 2022.

The fight to defeat Ron Johnson could determine the Senate majority next year. AND, the House majority is up for grabs. So Wisconsin’s fate in this cycle has massive ramifications.

This strategy session is the final, blockbuster event in our state party’s convention weekend. Sign up for free to see the amazing speaker lineup on Saturday as well.

There are two reasons the Speaker of the House, the Majority Leader of the U.S. Senate, and the Chair of the Democratic National Committee are headlining a virtual event for a state party: 1) Wisconsin matters, and 2) the work of the WisDems will make a huge difference.

With support from friends and allies across the country, we’re investing deeply in year-round organizing in every corner of the state -- rural, suburban, and urban communities, across lines of race and ethnicity, intergenerationally. We’re organizing everywhere, non-stop.

In 2009, after Democrats had swept the federal government and states including Wisconsin, organizing slowed way down. Oof, did we pay for that in 2010! We’re not making that mistake this cycle.

Help us keep both feet on the gas. Split a donation of any amount to PCCC and WisDems, and join us on June 6!

Your donation will go toward defeating Ron Johnson and defending Democratic majorities in Congress.


Ben Wikler, Chair, WisDems

Turn on images to see Ben Wikler




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