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Dear John,
Antisemitism is unacceptable, and inaction is inexcusable.
Your voice is a powerful force for change and it is thanks to people like you, committed to fighting antisemitism, that our
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Day of Action Against Antisemitism was a success. Tens of thousands of people took part in the virtual rally; we sent thousands of emails and phone calls to our representatives in Washington telling them that now is the time to address
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surging antisemitism.
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See the highlights of the virtual rally and be inspired by national political leaders, Jewish community and civil rights organization executives, spiritual leaders from many faiths and influential celebrities.
But this was not just a day of solidarity. It was a Day of Action and the fight is not over.
Here are four ways you can still speak up, share facts and show strength:
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Demand that fighting antisemitism be a priority in Washington.
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Report incidents of antisemitism to ADL.
- Report online hate using our
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Cyber Safety Action Guide.
- Attend
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Never Is Now, the world’s largest Summit on Antisemitism and Hate (Nov. 7-9, 2021).
We must Act Against Antisemitism together.
Jonathan Greenblatt
CEO and National Director
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