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Two of the most urgent bills before the Senate right now are the PRO Act, a comprehensive labor reform bill, and the For the People Act, a landmark voting rights and anti-gerrymandering bill. This week DFP partnered with More Perfect Union to poll both pieces of legislation and found significant support for both. Even better? When voters were informed about the provisions of what these bills will do, support shot up. National voter support for the PRO Act increased by a 13-point net margin, and Republican opposition to the For the People Act fell by an 8-point margin.
(It’s not exactly revolutionary to run on ‘just explaining legislation,’ but it works! Maybe Dems should try it sometime…)

These findings bolster the fact that the left is winning the war on policy — we just need to do a better job of informing the electorate. (Not to mention our ideas are just more popular than Republicans’ which is why they’d rather rant about cancel culture and Doctor Seuss than any of their miserably half-baked plans to cripple social services.)